
Old Danish Dictionary - vilkåre

Meaning of Old Danish word "Vilkåre", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Vilkåre can mean:

  • go. (fsv vilkora,, mnt willekoren) forpligte, sætte i pant; wylle ther paa wyl- kore myn hals (1543). GhA IV. 247. — især tilbagevirk. ; vilkorær jæk myk til her Al at fri ok hemlæ thottæ gots (1403). DOB 175; (1417). KD I. 145 (ovf. IV. 93312); (1492). Nyrop, Skråer II. 224 (ovf. s 825bø); kom icke mar- greffuerne deris skeedsherrer til L, som margrefluerne haffde vilkaaret dennem. HVf II. 234, VIIL 47 (ovf. II. 161245); haffuer omdragit med sig selfi at vilde haffue, haffuer vilckaaret sig selff. Btym 860. — If. enes om; paciscor, forenis, forligis, vilckaaris. Etym 860; Steph IL 991. Jf forv.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚠᛁᛚᚴᚮᚱᚽ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

gærningsord (verbum).
virkende (transitivum).

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