
Old Danish Dictionary - vantro

Meaning of Old Danish word "Vantro", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Vantro can mean:

  • to.
  • 1) utro; Luk 1246 (CP og flgd. overs., ovf. IV. 70829). —
  • 2) overtroisk; ett geckeligt oc van- troet løffte. Gensv mm 1"; vantro ca- racter eller anden optenckt ting skal mand ingen tro sette til. HWR 263ti r. —
  • 3) (sv vantrogen, n vantruen)d, ; mistroisk, mistænkelig; eeders fader hand er en wuon-throfi mand, hand suaritt meg icke ett sinde. DEF II. 283. (Mulig: upålidelig, jf bet 4); Etym 258 (u. incredulus). — i religiøs bet. (isl vantrår); ver icke mere van- tro, men tro. Joh 202r (CP og figd. overs.; 1524: wantroende); ith onth oc vantrot hierte. Hebr 319 (CP, 1550; 1524: wantro); at it vantroet men- niske kand omuendis. Husf 03; alle tisse gierninger glorer soodan wantrow meniske icke retferdig. Disp 2. —
  • 4) mistænkelig; Rsv" IV. 42 (ovf. I. 17424). Jf tro (IV. 44855).

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚠᛆᚿᛏᚱᚮ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

tillægsord (adjectivum).
enkelttal (singularis).
grad (gradus).

Also available in related dictionaries:

This headword also appears in dictionaries of other languages closely related to Old Danish.
