
Old Danish Dictionary - strax

Meaning of Old Danish word "Strax", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Strax can mean:

  • bio. (fsv strax, mnt strackes) i nuv. bet.; CPV (u. mox); Etym 781, 285 (u. curriculo), 1283 (u. statim). — strax effter de dagers genwordighed,tt 242 (1524 og figd. overs.); strax Jandfestit skibbit. Joh 621 (sst.; CP: i det samme); (1587). Rsv II. 25 (ovf. u. dul); gack strax hiem. Jes Sir 3212 (1850, 1647).—s. nu o:nu nylig; som for oss stråx nu beujst vaar. Hvf V. 87 (= sv strax nw. DC 97). — (så) s. 9: så snart (som, bd0.); skal hver mand møde og holde grande-stevne, saa strax de hører klocken lyde (1689). » Matzen 99 note 3; — moderen døde, strax den liden war udkommen. Jm 269; — strax saadant kundbar blev, man hørte raisonnere. Ped Pårs B 1, $5 (i beg.).

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛋᛏᚱᛆᛋ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

biord (adverbium).
enkelttal (singularis).
grad (gradus).

Also available in related dictionaries:

This headword also appears in dictionaries of other languages closely related to Old Swedish.
