
Old Danish Dictionary - spå

Meaning of Old Danish word "Spå", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Spå can mean:

  • go. (isl spå)
  • 1) i »uv, bet. forudsige; hwoo som spaar, han ænthen lyver eller syer sandhedh, PL I. nr. 261; spoit hand, at Jesus skulle døo. Joh 1151 (1524; OP og 1550: spade; 1607: spanede); forhaanden er hans naade, som dig propheten spande, Psd I. 3062; Etym 305 (u. prædico), 841 (u. ominor); Steph II. 1088, 978; — som haffue spodt aff thend tilkommende naade. 1 P(1524; Luther: geweissaget von). —djudforske, gætte; HKv 1521 (ovf.L 471 u. ende, n0., jf Matt 2666, 1524 og lgd. overs.; OP: gæd till; jf Fornsv. Legendar TIL 60%); de spaade oe, huor- Jedis Christi aand meente. 1 Pet 111 (CP; 1524 og flgd. overs.: andsaget; Luther: haben geforsehet; Vulg: soru- tantes); divino, divinam voluntatem considero, spaar om, huad Gud vil 0giore. Etym 317; Steph IL 477.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛋᛕᚮ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

gærningsord (verbum).
enkelttal (singularis).

Also available in related dictionaries:

This headword also appears in dictionaries of other languages closely related to Old Swedish.
