Old Danish Dictionary - runebogsavMeaning of Old Danish word "Runebogsav", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Runebogsav can mean:
- no, fk i nuv. bet; M; P Pårs B2. 83 (Licbenb 1355. 142 uvt. c). — Ilt. ; kempestene tindis met runebox- Malte paa. VAV L d1'; en kampesteen +wet sex verss runebuystatfne paa. sst. k3; HemmG b1: (1638). DS IV. 19: voris gamle rune bogstave, PSB 7;halve de ladet deris bedriffter med ranbogstalve udhugve, Pros 138; — met cJonebogstaffuer paa skroveu, Hvr i. 94; Pros 31, Jf bogstav,
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚱᚢᚿᚽᛒᚮᚵᛋᛆᚠ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
Abbreviations used:
- t.
- tysk.