
Old Danish Dictionary - rømningsgods

Meaning of Old Danish word "Rømningsgods", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Rømningsgods can mean:

  • no. yods, der er forladt ved rømning; haffuer aristerett altt hans goedz perréwegne fore rømnings goetzs (1549). DM V. 54; det ser mand paa rumnings godz, naar eu skalek rømmer fra huss oc hiem: da tager herskabit hans hoffuid- lod. PIV S64 (=rommenes godz. sst. 1494); forbrutt och rømnings sodtz (1386). RdAH 176; (1597). DM VIL 203; arfyeløst oc forbrudt godtz, røm- vings godtz (1620). KD I. 625; Bernts Il. 132. — Hømningsmand, no. bort- rømt, fredløs mand: sandheden du i(=sst rømninys mand, Psd 1.352; exsul, 1ymningsmand. Etym 1098; romnings- mand. NL 350, 492.Rømpe. se rempe.Kømpeling, se rempling,

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚱᚯᛘᚿᛁᚿᚵᛋᚵᚮᚦᛋ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

navneord (substantivum).
