Old Danish Dictionary - pligtMeaning of Old Danish word "Pligt", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Pligt can mean:
- no. (svd plikkt, mot plicht) halvdæk, sæde i stævnen af en båd; CPV (ovt. u bord 3)); prora, forstafin vdi skib, plicteu. Etym 1000; Steph I. 202a; NL. 1379; lagde han- nem. paa plichten aff boden (1670). Tlåb II. 224; hatde bunden tuende skibe sammen ved pligten. Curt 309. Ordet anses for samme ord som fryd., jf BW TIL 395; GrimuW: pflicht 7). Jf lusep.
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛕᛚᛁᚵᛏ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
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Abbreviations used:
- n.
- norsk.
- no.
- navneord (substantivum).
- t.
- tysk.