
Old Danish Dictionary - opå

Meaning of Old Danish word "Opå", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Opå can mean:

  • bio. på: tha iem tik Danmarks krone wppaa. Rimkr. 24"; gjøre the paffuen stort wrett, nar the thet sige hanuwm oppaa P.Eliesen. 416; han faud icke rett wppaa. Tavsen. 162; Hegelund,- Susanna (Smiths udg.), 103; min berolds klæder jeg tog oppaa. D. Ma. I. 279; kom der uogen kurre oppax, de skulde saa snarlig falde ham fra. Lyscehand., Grøul. Chronica, e3; da kom dagen oppas oc indtil aftenen vared, Hexaem. 22; — ogsaa med fryd, der; Rosenv., GLL. IV, 91 (se ovt, u, framdeles); der ligger vss ingen mavt oppåa. P. Smed. a4; jvfr. legge møghel vin ther vppa. H. Suso. 134. og deropå ovf.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚮᛕᚮ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

biord (adverbium).
grad (gradus).

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