
Old Danish Dictionary - mislove

Meaning of Old Danish word "Mislove", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Mislove can mean:

  • o.
  • 1) mistro, mistillid; ther settis loffwe till thennom oe miss- loffue til Gudt,P. Eliesen. 8,9, 29, 25: haffuer mand och messloffne paa noyher (1526). n. D. Mag. V. 109; then moo mand ald tiidh holdhæ till faræ och beræ mesloffwæ pax. Tavsen. 80; ditt- dentia, missloffte. Turson, Vocab. 132;Tidemand, Post.H.117';Hege- lund, Calumnia(Smiths ndg.). 154 aff hnes som siden skede, findis vel, huad der haffaer veret vnder mistro'oe misloffne. Bvitf.IV. 190; misslulie ve misstro, affecta fides. Colding, Dict, Herlov. —
  • 2) fubsk tro, overtro; hand giorde det at bestyreke mislolfne ssoc vantro met. Tidemand, Post, I. 100% (= t. den aberglauben); saadan iemmer kom altsammen aff denne mis- loffue, at naar dieffnelen tog sig en ham pas, då trode huer mand, at det vaar icke dieffuclen, men it menniskis siel. sst. IK 9 (=t. aus diesem aberglauben). —
  • 3) mangel på ordholdenbed iløfter.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛘᛁᛋᛚᚮᚠᚽ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

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Abbreviations used:

grad (gradus).
enkelttal (singularis).

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