
Old Danish Dictionary - las

Meaning of Old Danish word "Las", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Las can mean:

  • no. læs; skal enghen kerre- man meræ sildh køpe æn halfft las, ; Schlyter. IX. 465; (1427). Due- holms Dipl. 51; skal ingen kiøbe fiele eller nogen themer wden eth lassen som dagen (1540). n. D. Mag. IL 211: en liden thwe kaaster stuor lasz. Grundtv., Folkev.I. 162b; III. 3522; Ranch. 119; (1586). Rosenv., Gl. D. IV. 81 (se ovf. II. 287b u hufgje 37): Jak. Madsen, Visitatsb. 23; Chr.IV. Breve (1636-40). 102; 1 las limsten. H. H. Skonning, Taxte- bog. 143; ett lass tag (1668). Fynske Aktstk. II. 52. — læss. P. Lolle. ar. 86; Vocab. 1514 (u. plostrom). Jvir. Univ. Samf. Bland. I. 13; iel. Mass; Lund: las. — binde 1 0: af- gøre sagen; den cene kule, som land meente, den skulle binde alt wkilæsset. Hiøring,

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛚᛆᛋ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

enkelttal (singularis).
grad (gradus).
navneord (substantivum).

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