
Old Danish Dictionary - hoffolk

Meaning of Old Danish word "Hoffolk", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Hoffolk can mean:

  • no. kollektivt, 1) i nuv. bet.; saa du inthet hofffolek. Grundty., Folkev. IV. 1712; hol folekit icke kannd bekomme den didll, the behøffue (1578). Kbhvns. Dipl. IV. 627; fyck Hans Boysson til hof- folekid 8000 dl., køckenfolekid tyk 451 dl. (1639). D. Saml. V. 78. — 2) krigsfolk; de forsamlede oe sold erede 500 tydske rytier, 00 der det tydske hoffolck voor kommen ind i Janet, åroge hertugerne ind i Skaane oc gjorde der met brand oc mord. Hviti II 79. Smlgu. Frisch, Wb. I. 460c;hofleute; N. D. Mag. TIL. 168 not. 2 og hofmand. vdf. Jvir. folk 1) ovf.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚼᚮᚠᚠᚮᛚᚴ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

enkelttal (singularis).
grad (gradus).
navneord (substantivum).

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This headword also appears in dictionaries of other languages closely related to Old Swedish.
