Old Danish Dictionary - guidkringleMeaning of Old Danish word "Guidkringle", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Guidkringle can mean:
- vo. guldring; i guld- kringle ællær ringhs, som tw skalt edb. iyræ arkens wroær. Gl. D. Bib. 3 M=6. 25.12 (1560: guldringe). Smign. kringle,
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᚢᛁᚦᚴᚱᛁᚿᚵᛚᚽ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
Abbreviations used:
- n.
- norsk.