
Old Danish Dictionary - grandelag

Meaning of Old Danish word "Grandelag", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Grandelag can mean:

  • no. "simfumdet af dem, der bo i by ssmimen; hwo thit sjore, schal haffue "forbrotth till grandelaw iij m[. danske, Jydske Saml. HI. 161; covfinium, grandlav. Colding, Etymol. 442; 1443; Nucleus latinit. 429; bun endelig bemældte Jens Bakensen skulde trolove, før de vilde have hende i grandelag ved sig (1657). D. Saml. II. 108; nu skal vort hele grandelavier som dir prest antage.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᚱᛆᚿᚦᚽᛚᛆᚵ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

navneord (substantivum).
