Old Danish Dictionary - godvilligMeaning of Old Danish word "Godvillig", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Godvillig can mean:
- to. velvillig, villig: benignus, goduillig. Turson, Vocab. 192; at de vilde fremdelis vere saa govillige mod deris folck. 2 Makk. 12.31 (1550, 1647; Lu- ther: gutwillig); den goduillige er plat forlat. Herm. Weigere, 185%; Psalmedigtv, I. 288b; n. D, Mag. 11. 150; benevolus, godvillig. Colding, Etymol. 1471; from, god-villig, vel- villiv, benevolus. Comenius, Orbis pictus. 357; der hafve ladet sig finde gudvillige til icke alleeniste gode bøger at skrifve. B. Tott. I. bl". — Som ibio, frivillig; isønderlighed ited, att uy oss vdi sadan høy uychtig werck goduylligen skulle menge och induyckle. Cir, IV. Breve, I. 82. Smlgn. Fritz- ver: gådviljugr; Rydqvist VI. 163: gopvili.
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᚮᚦᚠᛁᛚᛚᛁᚵ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
Abbreviations used:
- g.
- grad (gradus).
- n.
- norsk.
- t.
- tysk.
- to.
- tillægsord (adjectivum).