
Old Danish Dictionary - gat

Meaning of Old Danish word "Gat", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Gat can mean:

  • no. 1) bagdel; klatzede hend- er med sin haspd paa henders gatt .. bun swær, att hun icke i uogle dage kunde sidde op paa sin gat. wJammersm. 249; Moth. — 2) sund; vi bafve lefvet som til søes paa et snefvert gat, lad os nu døe udi hafn- en, B. Tott. II. 38 (= in freto viximus. Ed. Bip. Il. 57); Moth. Jvtr. egennavnene Kale-, Kattegat. — 3)revne i jorden. Moth. Smlgn. is. gat; Rietz: gatt og med hensyn til bet. 1) overgangen i bet af ars, se d. 0.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᛆᛏ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

enkelttal (singularis).
navneord (substantivum).

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