Old Danish Dictionary - gantegækMeaning of Old Danish word "Gantegæk", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Gantegæk can mean:
- no. = gamte; nu er han en spog, en lumpen plad- der pløs, en selvviis gantegiæk. Kingoi 0. Wolff, Journal. 1812. IV. 116. Ordet lod sig mulig her op- fatte som 2 ord ligesom ovf. u. gante.
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᛆᚿᛏᚽᚵᛅᚴ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
Abbreviations used:
- no.
- navneord (substantivum).