Old Danish Dictionary - gæst(n)ingMeaning of Old Danish word "Gæst(n)ing", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Gæst(n)ing can mean:
- no. — gæster 3) (el. 4)); forsuar, gestning oc sagefaltt skulle bliffue hoss then, som Dybevkiis gsardtthaffuerutivere 1589), Rosenv., GI. D. t. 88; ville wi ingen ny eller wlow- lige tynge legge paa eder enten met wiowlige gæstinge, beskattinge ellerwnoget andet. Hvitf. VI. 129; øiest- ning. sst IV. 653. Smlgn. herre- gæsting.
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᛅᛋᛏ(ᚿ)ᛁᚿᚵ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
Abbreviations used:
- et.
- enkelttal (singularis).
- g.
- grad (gradus).
- n.
- norsk.
- no.
- navneord (substantivum).
- t.
- tysk.