
Old Danish Dictionary - gærning

Meaning of Old Danish word "Gærning", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Gærning can mean:

  • no. hunk.;
  • 1) i nuv, bet, gærning, arbejde; hvor the ey 0 plantenavn, chamaecerasus, | kunne forværre gerning, thy at hon ør ypenbarlig godh; tha arbegdh the ling, Viridarium. 25: smaa vilde | at falske henne. H. Suso. 98.112; han haffter sagt en. where gerning Særdeklokke, n0., plantenavn, con ie om eder, gører ederss aarsag for hende fhvolss arvensis. Mvih. (Nem. | eller verer honde bekende. Chr. Pe- mich, Polyglot,-Lex. d. Nat | dersen. II. 44; Fil. 1.6 (Chr. Pe-sen); er god gerning, i hwar liden, fn, or Biskopper(ne)s

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᛅᚱᚿᛁᚿᚵ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

hunkøn (femininum).
navneord (substantivum).
