
Old Danish Dictionary - flikke

Meaning of Old Danish word "Flikke", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Flikke can mean:

  • go.
  • 1) istandsætte, hjælpe på; suto, flicker. Colding, Etymol. 1266; da kommer mangen til sin kakkeloon at flikke. Bording. IL 220; hvo fiikker paa gamle huse. P. Syv. JL 17. — det kand komme vel tilpas til at flicke paa voris for- stand og opliuse voris mørekhed med.B. Tott. I. 23. — sende ieg Hans skomager 20 $ for 2 mine stoffle, handt haflde fleskitt (1622). D. Saml. 2.R. VI. 21. Der skal vistnok læses: fleckitt.
  • 2) f. på halsen 0: på- bebyrde; forsøge, om hun kunde fikke os hendes datters unge paa halsen (1641). Sum, Nye Saml. 1. 131. Smlgn. ind-, udfikke.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚠᛚᛁᚴᚴᚽ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

gærningsord (verbum).
grad (gradus).

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This headword also appears in dictionaries of other languages closely related to Old Swedish.
