
Old Danish Dictionary - blot

Meaning of Old Danish word "Blot", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Blot can mean:

  • to.
  • 1) nøgen, utildækket; ILnæppælege faudss en blotth man i all then hær, so. meget harnisk hade thee fonget. Komant, Digtn. Il 76. — Chr. Pedersen. V. 52.25; samme tro bliffuer icke blott oc baar. Art- ickle (paa) siste herredag. 1530. h2r.— Hvitf, VIII 214; dermed tog en blot. kniv og holdt i sin haand, og stak den strax blot i sin lomme. igjen (1673). Hubertz, Aktstk. om Århus. IL. 235. — 2 tydelig, klar; ther jj mange maade haffuer eder obenbarid Gudtz ord, som tha icke findis scriff- telige wdi ihet ny testament oc serdelis wdi sijne blotte oc bare ordt. P. Bliesen. 182; i huar oss fattis blott oc bar sorifit. sst. 392. Smlgn. bar 2).

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛒᛚᚮᛏ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

tillægsord (adjectivum).
enkelttal (singularis).
grad (gradus).

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