
Old Danish Dictionary - beja

Meaning of Old Danish word "Beja", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.

The Old Danish word Beja can mean:

  • go. give samtykke til; haffuer borgemester, radt met menigegildbrødre beiaitt oc vedtagitt, at saa holdis skal (1441). D.Mag.3.R. I. 110; nogle. article, som borgmester och raadtt haffoe paalagdtt, beyaitt och sambtøcktt (1549). Jydske Saml. If, 119; iegh icke kand for sådan aar. sagis skyldt paa myn befalings wegne beja eller samtyeke thenne person (1558). D. Mag. IV. 207.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛒᚽᛁᛆ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.

Abbreviations used:

grad (gradus).
gærningsord (verbum).

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