Old Danish Dictionary - gælneMeaning of Old Danish word "Gælne", as defined by Otto Kalkar's Dictionary of Old Danish language.
The Old Danish word Gælne can mean:
- go. gøre afsindig? ebri- achare, at gelnæ. Småstykker. 31, 54. — If. komme i raseri, rase; the sælnedhæs amoth thæm meth sa stort slagh, sth the nedhærsloghe attæn twsæudhe mæn. Gl D. Rib. Dom. 20.25; debacehor, ath gelnes.» Vocab. 1514 (også u. furor. sst.); paa thet mand moo leræ, huad thet er ath gielnes emodh Gud. Tav- sen, 189; hand sende onde engle iblant dem i sin grumhedz vrede oc lod dem gelmis oc rase. Ps. 78,4. Smlgn. æ. sv. gæluas, se Rietz. 182.
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᛅᛚᚿᚽ
Medieval Runes were used in Denmark from 12th to 17th centuries.
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Abbreviations used:
- go.
- gærningsord (verbum).
- n.
- norsk.
- sv.
- svensk.
- t.
- tysk.
- æ.
- ældre.